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Tuesday, July 12, 2011

90somethingawful degrees!

Aaaah.  One of my favorite things. . . clothes on the line. . . my sister hates this--really hates this. . . I don't know why.  See, it was 90somethingawful today, with a nice breeze, so I searched the house for all the dirty & threw it in the washer.

The only thing that really likes the heat around here is the garden.   I had a cucumber today . . . .stood right there and ate it. . . can't get fresher than that!

Rejection today. . . it came in the form of a denial to a request to join a Goodie Bag Swap on flikr.  Apparently I am not involved enough (7 bees, 3 completed swaps, moderated two) have not posted enough (48) pictures in too short of a time (since March)  and not enough handmade things (finished quilt and umpteen blocks).  So why is it that I allow a couple of women I have never met tell me I am not good enough and then let it bother me on top of all that?  Hmmm. . . .I guess I will just look at it as an opportunity to save some bucks on postage!

until next time. . . .


  1. LOVE a good clothesline! And so sorry for your rejection...that's not good. :-(

  2. I love hanging the laundry too, you have inspired me to get the clothesline fixed at my cottage. Don't let the swappers or anyone else on the internet bother you, it is a big place and you can't please all the people all the time. Lovely that you have a blog now!

  3. Don't worry about it, I don't think the Goodie Bag Swap is going to do anything for several more months…… I think I heard a rumor, about 2 swaps a year- but if you want to make something and swap with me, I'll do it!

  4. I can't believe you didn't get in. Ugh, maybe it is that you need to make more bags. I guess anyway. Silly to me because you do great work, but maybe you will be worthy next time :).

  5. Carrie, congrats on your blog! There is nothing like getting into bed with fresh sheets just off the clothesline. I love my clothesline too. I love being in swaps with you- you are a great swap partner. If you start another one I will join- actually I would love to do a Christmas swap or blocks.

  6. Aw, Carrie, that's too bad about the swap. :( Good on you for finding a way to make the heat work for you, though--I'm impressed by your industry in such temps!
